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Corporate Car Crashes: A Car Wreck Attorney's Guide
July 23, 2024 at 4:00 AM
People signing documents for a wedding

Getting into an auto accident while driving a company car can be a nerve-wracking experience. Not only are you dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of the crash, but now you also have to wonder about the implications it could have for your job. Will you get fired for crashing a company car? The answer isn't always straightforward, but as you’ll learn from our car wreck attorneys, in many cases the short answer is no.

What Happens After Crashing a Company Car?

Most companies have insurance policies in place to cover damages or injuries that occur when an employee is driving a company car. However, it's important to note that this doesn't mean you're in the clear. If you were breaking company policy or acting recklessly, your employer could still take disciplinary action against you.

Disciplinary action could range from a warning to suspension or even termination. For example, if your company has a policy against texting while driving and it's determined that you were doing so at the time of the accident, you could be seen as foolishly violating the rules of the company. But more commonly, companies take an understanding approach to auto accidents of this nature, understanding that they are an inherent risk of having employees on the road.

Benefits of Hiring a Car Wreck Attorney.

That being said, it's still important to take the right steps after an accident to protect yourself and your interests. This is where hiring a car wreck attorney comes in. A trained attorney will represent your rights and help you navigate the often-complex process of dealing with insurance companies, employers, and potential legal ramifications.

Educate You on Your Rights.

One of the main benefits of hiring an attorney in this scenario is that they can inform you of your legal options and help you determine a path forward. For example, they can advise you on whether or not to accept a settlement from the insurance company, or if you should pursue a lawsuit to cover damages or injuries you've sustained.

Provide Expert Guidance.

Additionally, an attorney can help protect you from potential legal fallout. For example, if the other driver decides to sue you after the accident, your attorney can help you mount a defense and protect your rights. They can also help you avoid making statements that could hurt your case, and navigate the settlement process with the other driver's insurance company if necessary.

Be Your Advocate.

When it comes to dealing with your employer, a skilled attorney can also be a valuable resource. They can help ensure that all necessary documentation is properly filled out and that any necessary reports are filed. They can also help you navigate the process of communicating with your employer and any relevant insurance providers. This can be particularly helpful if your employer is trying to shift blame onto you or otherwise limit their liability.

Provide Emotional Support.

In addition to the practical benefits of hiring a seasoned attorney, there are also emotional benefits. Getting into a car accident can be a traumatic experience, but having an experienced professional by your side can help ease some of the burden. They can provide a calming presence, answer any questions you have, and help you feel more confident and in control.

Have You Been in an Auto Accident?

Make sure your rights are protected by contacting Mishra X Trial Lawyers. We specialize in representing workers against employers in labor and employment litigation, and if you’ve crashed a company car, we’re confident we can give you the best chance of winning your case. You can learn more about our practice areas online, or you can get in touch to schedule your consultation today.